
The Elephants & Bees Project

The Elephants and Bees Project is an award-winning initiative of the Kenyan based, Save the Elephants Program. The project aims to foster a co-existing environment between Elephants and Rural Farmers by encouraging African Honeybees to nest in manmade hives. As Elephants are fearful of the bees, the strategically placed hives create a natural deterrent, thus helping to mitigate this age-old turf war.

  • Close Up of Bee Gathering Pollen

    Buzz Words.


    As the human population expands exponentially we continue to encroach on habitats previously occupied by our wildlife.


    By educating the rural communities on the importance of Bees & Elephants our ecosystem, can we support their co-existence. The Farmers benefit better crop yields courtesy of bee pollination.

    Socio-economic Benefits

    The surrounding communities benefit from not only better crop yields but additionally the harvesting of honey & beeswax.

  • Thinking Sustainable

    Conversation or Conservation?

    Let’s talk about it. Tell our friends about it. Dinner Parties, Yoga Classes, you name it - spread the word!

    Then, once you’re all fired up. Don your Khakis, grab your tickets and fly to the Serengeti. Word of warning, you may have a similar reaction to the swarming bees as the Ellies.

    Why not stay safe and contribute to one of our partner NGO’s instead. With the years of dedication and capacity to make a difference in our future and the lives of communities.

    Learn More

    How bees can keep the peace between Elephants and Humans | Lucy King

  • Gentle Giant

    What's the big deal?

    The importance of these gentle giants is paramount in maintaining a balanced eco-system. Elephants are experts in tracking down sources of water and once exposed with their tusks, provide water sources for animals co-existing in their habitat.

    Furthermore, by feeding on forest and plains foliage, Elephants create gaps in the vegetation allowing for new growth and aid in the dispersal of seeds.

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